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Our Community


Glen Huntly

Families at St Anthony’s are encouraged to fully participate in the life of the school. Parental involvement brings a diversity of skills to the school community, offers parents insight into school philosophies and allows teachers and parents to work in partnership to provide the best possible learning environment for students.


We are fortunate to have a committed parent group who are united in working to continually enhance all aspects of the school. Our community activities involve parents, grandparents, parish and the local community.

Parent Information Handbook

Parents & Friends

The Parents and Friends' Association (PFA) enables all parents, school staff and interested people to participate in supporting the School. The PFA aims to encourage social interaction between all parents in a Christian atmosphere and make the school enjoyable and rewarding for our children to attend. We take pride in our multi-cultural membership and we stress that involvement is invited from all parents.


Fundraising plays a vital role for the PFA and some of the ways in which parents help raise funds is by assisting at the St. Anthony’s Fair (run every two years), raffles, Mother's Day and Father's Day Stalls, and other social events which are enjoyable occasions.

Parents are welcome to help in the classroom and are invited to attend special training sessions. These programs and times are determined by the individual teachers. All volunteers must have a current Working With Children Check and are required to read and sign our Code of Conduct.


Some of the community activities are as follows:

  • Parent class liaison officers

  • Family sacramental program and information evenings

  • Beginning and end-of-year family barbecues.

  • Whole school community celebrations of Book Week, St. Anthony’s Feast Day, Athletics Day, Arts' Soiree, Cultural Day

  • Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day Breakfasts

  • Grandparents' Day

  • School Fair every two years

  • Working Bees

  • Excursions to local facilities such as the library, swimming pool and athletics track

  • Close links with local kindergartens

  • Second Hand Uniform shop

  • Fortnightly school assemblies


School Advisory Council (SAC)

The School Advisory Council (SAC) is an advisory team made up of the Parish Priest, the School Principal, a staff representative, PFA Representative and elected parents of the school. 


The team meets each term and discusses issues which relate to the running and the planning of the school. While decisions relating to the running of the school are the concern of the Principal, the advice and recommendations are taken on board with high regard.


The SAC enhances communication and accountability, and plays a key role in keeping staff and families 'on the same page'.  Reports from the Chairperson of the SAC are sent home to families at least once per term to inform families of recommendations made to the Principal.

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